Illalla Ville ja Laura (veliseni tyttöystävineen) tuli Hollantiin viikonloppumatkalle ja sain taas toimia turistioppaana ja oli mullakin hyvä syy syödä hollantilaisia juustoja ja öljypalloja! Ja olipa hauska nähdä niiden ilmeet, kun ne astu mun mahtavaan 17M2 huoneeseen kun itse olivat lähteneet jostain 100M2 omakotitalosta luonnon keskeltä. Tälleen Hollannissa asutaan :D Mutta oli mukava viikonloppu ja oli kiva kinastella Villen kanssa ja seuraavassa postauksessa kerronkin, miten mun luo pääsee vierailulle helpoimmalla ja halvimmalla tavalla vink vink vink kaikille
A little bit outside of the center there is a cooking school for poeple who are coming from bad conditions, have problems with drugs and so on. With the help of this cooking school they get a possibility to get back to normal life and find a job for themselves. Me and Simon had an opportunity to go visiting that school and see how they were cooking everything from fish to chicken soup and we ate together with the students. In the end we also filleted a fish! (I was ashamed to confess that it wasn't my first time doing it when I fish was full of holes...) But the point wasn't to go there for seeing how they cook but to meet the teacher who has great relations to restaurants in Groningen. Simon's parent organized this opportunity for us mainly to open doors for Simon. But how ever, it was a fun experience :)
In the evening my dear brother with his girlfriend came to Holland for the weekend and I could be a tourist guide again and had a reason to eat Dutch cheeses and oil balls! Haha it was funny to see their faces when they entered my 17 square meters room. They had left their house of 100 square meters located in the middle of nature in Finland. But this is how we live in Holland! :D But it was a nice weekend and in the next post I will tell how to get to here the easiest and cheapest way from Finland
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