Tänään heräsin väsyneenä ja surullisena, kun eilinen oli ohi. Kierreltiin päivä torilla syöden kojuista jäätelöä, suklaatryffeleitä, kakkua ja juustoa. Jäätelön ja suklaan jälkeen mietin, että kannataakohan enää syödä tuota kakkua, mutta päätin että ja hitot, mä teen mitä mä haluan tehdä. Siitä tulikin tavallaan päivän motto ja mentiin terassille kaljalle nauttimaan aurinkoisesta sunnuntaista. Miten paljo hauskempaa elämä onkaan kun ei mieti mitä pitäis tai ei pitäis tehdä, vaan tekee just sitä miltä tuntuu ja mitä haluaa tehdä! Hitto kun olisin aiemmin tajunnu
We found yesterday an amazing party. It all started when we went to have a dinner in one of my favourite restaurant here, De Uurwerker. It has such an easy-going atmopehre and delicious pizzas! After the pizzas and some drinks Simon's brother came by and we continued to another pub in the neighborhood for some more drinks. Boys were playing billiard and I was sitting at a bar desk and drinking with a random 84 year old men who was gay. This is when Simon's brother friend was at a party somewhere and we decided to go there too. We though that it's just a normal home party but we arrived somewhere totally different. It was some kind of outdoor festival full of people sitting around a big fireplace, drinking and listening to a band playing. I felt like I was in the middle of Midsummer Day party or something :D But when we were walking around the area we found a little road in the forest lighten up with some candles and it leaded us to another party... This time there was a DJ playing reggea music! And when we continued walking the road, we found a third party again with another genre of music (no memories which genre). Me and Simon were like where the heck did we come to, we don't ever wanna leave and we had so much fun. We are not so into reggea-hippie-music but exactly that made the experience so cool and we were dancing so hard in the middle of all the weed smokers :p
Today I woke up so tired and sad that yesterday was over. We spent the day at a market place eating from little stands ice cream, chocolate, cakes and cheese. After the ice cream and chocolate I was thinking that maybe I shouldn't eat the cake anymore but then I just thought that damn I can do whatever I want. That became kinda a motto of the day and we went to have beers at the terrace and enjoy the sunny Sunday. How much nicer the life is when you don't have to think what you should or shouldn't do and just go with the feeling and do what you want to do! Shit wish I had realized this earlier
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Pizza Margarita This became my second favorite ever since Ella ordered it home delivered in Budapest |
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We found a hang mat in the forest |
My hippie party outfit |
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