Illalla vietettiin laatuaikaa Simonin kanssa. Mentiin ulos syömään pitkän kaavan kautta. Valittiin sellanen portugalilainen ravintola ja meillä oli alkupalaksi leipää ja salaatteja, pääruokaksi tulista kanaa ja lammasta ja jälkiruoaksi créme brûleeta ja valkosuklaavaahtoa. Ei kyllä kuulosta portugalilaiselta, mutta hyvää oli! Siitä jatkettiin jälkiruokadrinksuille ravintolaan, jossa oli "nuotio" keskellä ruokasalia ja istuttiin sen vieressä kuivattelemassa juuri sateessa kastuneita vaatteita :D Tilattiin liköörejä (nam Cointreau ja nam Likööri 43) ja viskejä (Tallisker) ja jossain vaiheessa oltiin ainoat asiakkaat ja tarjoilijat alko siivoomaan paikkoja, mutta ne silti tuli kysymään, jos halutaan lisää jotain. Seuraavaksi ne lukitsi ovet, otti itse oluet, tarjosi meille lasit viiniä ja totesi että sisälläkin saa polttaa nyt kun ovet on kiinni. Siellä me juotiin viintä nuotion äärellä suljetussa ravintolassa, ihana ilta :)
Tänään me vietettiin lisää laatuaikaa ja matkustettiin pieneen kylään Groningen lähelle, mutta kerron siitä lisää myöhemmin! Pitää mennä syömään herkkusienipastaa :)
I didn't go out on Friday night (rare) and woke up on Saturday morning before 9 (even more rare) and decided to take advance this and went biking! Did I btw say that nowadays biking feels normal and I can lock both 2 locks in my bike under one minute?! I haven't been falling and I'm not scared biking in the middle of all the bikers and cars even I'm still don't know who watches who - I think they will if I don't! But anyway. I told few weeks ago that I was biking to the windmill by the lake, now I biked around that lake. Normally I'm not a fan of biking but I've started to find the biker inside of me and it's pretty fun. The biking trip was about 20 kilometres and while biking I saw nice views and funny Dutch houses :) I even found a scandinavian restaurant and I so wanna go eat there! When I got home I was googling it and I found out that they have a S-A-U-N-A!!!! Amazing! The menu though needs additions... where are rye bread, unleavened barley bread, karelian pastry, crisp rye-bread, sautéed reindeer, oven pancake, salmiakki and minttu boost? And what are Danish meatballs? They should be swedish or finnish. I should go working there :)
In the evening we were spending quality time with Simon. We went to eat outside to a portuguese restaurant. For the starter we had bread and salad, for main course spicy chicken and lamb and for dessert créme brûle and white chocolate mousse. Doesn't sound portuguese but it was good! After we went to have dessert drinks to a restaurant where they have a "camp fire" in the middle of the dining hall. It was good to sit next to it because we the rain had just made our clothes wet :D We were ordering liquors (yam Cointreau and yam Liquor 43) and whiskeys (Tallisker) and suddenly we were the only customers and the waiters started to clean up the places but they still came to take orders from us. Next they locked the doors, took beers for themselfes, offered classes of wine for us and told that now we can smoke inside too. There we were having wine by the fire in a closed restaurant, a lovely night :)
Today we were spending more quality time and travelled to a little village close to Groningen, but I'll tell more about that later! Have to go eat mushroom pasta :)
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