Mulla on myös takana rankka viikko mun ja Simonin pienen haasteen takia. Ei lihaa Simonille, ei juustoa Hennalle. Mutta tänään se loppuu! Meillä on lounas treffit kaupungilla ja aiotaan juhlia haasteen päättymistä! Haaste meni aika hyvin, vaikka me muutaman kerran huijattiin. Annoin Simonin maistaa mun lihavoileipää ja Simon antoi mun maistaa sen vuohenjuustoleipää, söin pizzaa ja Simoni lounasleivässä oli muka vahingossa ollut lihaa. Ja sunnuntaina tein tortilloja eikä se oikeastaan oo hyvää ilman jauhelihaa tai fetajuustoa... Joka tapauksessa luulen oppineeni jotain - selviän kyllä ilman juustoa joka ruoassani ja lihakin voi maistua aika hyvältä! :P
Lopuksi mulla on terveisiä Vaasan suuntaan, olen ostanut lentoliput lauantaille 2.11 ja vietän siellä pari viikkoa tarkoituksena suorittaa loppuun tutkintoni ja tyhjentää asuntoni! :) Kyllä, irtisanoin 3,5 vuoden kotini :( Ihan hirvittää, oliskohan sittenkin pitänyt pitää sitä vaikka en olekaan asunut siellä sitten viime tammikuun... Voishan sitä pitää vaikka koko loppuelämän, niin tuntuis, että olis jossain koti minne joskus palata!
P.S Hollantilaiset on saatu rakastumaan Suomi-ruokaan! Kokkasin eilen mun kämppiksille lihapullia, muusia, porkkanoita, ruskeaa kastiketta ja puolukkahilloa :)
I'm having a lazy morning again. I woke up 2 hours ago but I'm still lying in bed with a cup of coffee. This is my life. Since the weekend, we've been at Simon's parents place taking care of their cats (don't understand why someone wants to spend 2 and half weeks in Italy) and their house. That's OK for me! 3 cats and 3 floor all for us :) But actually, this Holland -allergy got even worse when being in the same house (and same bed) with the cats. I woke up in the morning with eyes all swollen! I went to see a doctor last week and he gave me allergy medicine. I started to eat them this Monday and even I still keeping sneezing, I feel much better! Besides the allergy I've had a problem with headache every day and I think that is caused by my shoulders. It was a challenge to find a doctor here, next I should find a physiotherapist. What a rough life I have.
I've also been through a rough week because of mine and Simon's little challenge. No meat for Simon, no cheese for Henna. But today it ends! We are going to have a lunch date in the center to celebrate the end of the challenge! It went pretty good, though we were cheating a little bit. I let Simon taste my meat sandwich and he let me taste his gout cheese sandwich. I ate pizza and accidentally there was meat in Simon's lunch sandwich. And on Sunday I made tortillas and they don't taste good without meat or feta cheese... But anyway, I think I learned something - I survive without eating cheese in my every dish and meat can taste pretty good too! :P
P.S Dutch have fallen in love with Finnish food! Yesterday I cooked for my roommates meatballs, mashed potatoes, carrots, brown sauce and lingon berry jam :)
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Challenge, Day 1: Meatballs We had to do an exception because of the dinner at the parents! |
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Challenge Day 2: Tapas |
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Challenge Day 3: Pizza There was not so much cheese in it! |
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Challenge Day 4: Tortillas A little bit cheeting |
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Challenge Day 5: Tuna Pasta |
Challenge Day 6 Shrimps for Simon & Finnish meatballs for me |
Tijgertje |
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Luna |
Mr. Freddie |
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