Siitä tsemppasin itseni ylös sohvaltani ja lähdin kaupungille. Kävin varaamassa ajan pankkiin pankkitilin avaamista varten ja ostin uudet housut joten olo alkoi jo olla oikein tehokas ;) Riannen avittamana myös laitoin työhakemuksen menemään hotelliin siivoajaksi (vähä se olis kivaa) ja illan opiskelin hollannin kieltä tunti tolkulla. Eilen sain niskasta kiinni myös opparipuolen ja kävin etsimässä mahdollista yhteistyökumppania tutkimukselleni. Illalla mulla oli treffit Riannen kanssa ja kokattiin "terveellistä" kasvispiirasta, vuorattuna sinihome- ja mozzarellajuustolla. Ja sitten opiskelin taas hollantia. Flunssa vielä vaivasi, mutta lähdin kuitenkin käymään Simonin kanssa drinkeillä ennen nukkumaanmenoa. Se nyt ollut aivan hyvä idea, koska tänä aamuna nenä alkoi taas vuotamaan...
Being sick makes me frustrated. For 3 days I was technically just lying in bed doing nothing. On Tuesday I was feeling better and I was thinking that I'll go somewhere! I started to think, that where would I go? I realized, that I should go doing my thesis. I got upset, that I can't get it done. And that made me frustrated. The morning I spent thinking everything and discovered that I will never graduate. Then I changed my mind - I don't have other options than do the thesis and graduate!! I also realized that I don't have any duties here to be ever anywhere. I really need a job!
Then I pulled myself together and got out of the house and went to the centre. I made an appointment to a bank for opening a bank account and bought new pants so I was starting to feel really effective ;) With little help from Rianne I sent an application to a hotel to become a cleaner (that would be fun) and the evening I was studying Dutch for hours. Yesterday I also pulled my socks up with the thesis and went to ask for a partner to my research. In the evening I had a date with Rianne and we cooked "healthy" vegetarian pie covered with blue and mozzarella cheese. And then I studied more Dutch. I still had the cold but I anyway went to have drinks with Simon before going to sleep. Well it wasn't really a good idea because today my nose started running again...
Kävin kiertelemässä kirpparilla Mama Minissä, ja oli pakko ottaa kuvia asioista mitä bongasin. Siis nuo taulut! Ne aivan kun Frendeistä ne Pheoeben kammottavat taulut haha :D Tässä apua muistamiseen: phoebe's gladys and glynnis
I was shopping in a second hand store Mama Mini and had to take pictures of things I saw there. OMG those paintings! The are exactly like the ones Phoebe had in Friends :D Here's for reminding:
phoebe's gladys and glynnis
traditional shoes (I want them too!) |
the pie with cheese |
me and Simon's mom :) |
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