Lauantai ja sunnuntain en tehnytkään mitään kun lepäsin ja nukuin. Launtaista en tiennyt mikä olo oli krapulasta ja mikä flunssasta johtuvaa. Mutta eilisen aivastelin minuutin välein ja nenä ja silmät ihan punaisina. Eilen piti myös säästää energiaa iltaa varten sillä lähdettiin Simonin kanssa salsakurssille! :) Mulle on tullu joku himo opetella tanssimaan salsaa, kun Simonilla oli tapana pyöritellä mua salsan tahtiin Espanjassa ja eilen sattui olemaan sellainen salsakurssitapahtuma, jossa kerättiin rahaa hyväntekeväisyyteen. Oli niin kivaa! Vähän mun lonkka irvisteli lantion keikutuksille ja tanssin nenäliina toisessa kädessä mutta mitäs pienistä. Me want more!
Viime yönä en sitten saanutkaan nukuttua tämän nuhan takia ja nyt juuri asettaudun sohvalle teekupin kanssa aikeina katsella päivä leffoja. Simon latas mulle ennen lähtöä kolme leffaa: Before Midnight, Despicable Me ja Les Misérables. Näillä nuha lähtee ;)
For some reason every time I come to Holland, my throat gets itchy and nose starts running. One time I ended up eating allergy medicines when the sneezing didn't stop. And the same thing this time! Next I'll go to allergy tests and I'll find out know what's wrong with me, maybe there is some kind of smoke in the air that I'm allergic to ;P This weekend the allergy changed to a real cold and I also got a sore throat. It started on Friday evening. Nica had a birthday party and I was suppose to go have few glasses of wine and go home to sleep. I was still tired of Wednesday and still couldn't walk well. We went to buy a little gift for her with Nadja and decided to meet up at her place before going to the party. During the evening my throat started to feel weird but I decided to go out anyway, cause had so much fun! In the end of the evening the birthday group and boys were in Pakhaus and even my leg was safe and sound for dancing :D It didn't probably help biking home in the rain later.
Satruday and Sunday I didn't do anything but rested and slept. On Saturday I wasn't sure which one of the feeling was because of hangover and which one beacause of being ill. But yesterday I was sneezing like every minute and my nose and eyes are all red. Yesterday I also had to safe some energy for the evening because me and Simon went for a salsa course! :) I had some kind of passion to learn salsa because Simon used to spin me with salsa in Spain and yesterday there happened to be a salsa course -happening, where they collected money for a charity. It was so fun! My hip didn't so much like my butt rolling movements and I had to hold a tissue in my other hand but so what. Me want more!
Last night I couldn't really sleep because of my nose and now I just set myself down to the couch with a cup of tea and the plan is to watch movies all day. Simon downloaded 3 movies for mebefore leaving: Before Midnight, Despicable Me ja Les Misérables. With these the cold will go ;)
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One day that's me and Simon |
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Nadja and me |
from the party |
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vitamins |
getting Indian food on Saturday evening |
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downstairs of salsa place there was a weird party for black hippies. Here's one of them dancing |
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