Illalla katsoin Docventurissa mainitun elokuvan Kumaren. En ole koskaan katsonut itse sarjaa, kun sitä ei saa täällä näkymään, mutta löysin nettisivun kautta ton elokuva. Se kertoo amerikkalaisesta miehestä, joka päättää tekeytyä guruksi ja katsoa miten ihmiset siihen reagoi. Tosi mielenkiintoinen elokuva, miten ihmisetkin kuvitteleekin kaiken pään sisällä - kannattaa katsoa!
Tänään mun aamu alkoi sillä tavalla, että heräin vasta puol 12, kamalaa. Laitoin kahvin liedelle ja aloin tekemään itselleni voileipää ja tein juustohöylällä haavan peukalooni, sitten kaikki kahvit tippu lattialle ja vielä lopuksi pyyhkäisin kyynerpäälläni tavaroita tiskipöydältä lattialle. Simonin kanssa siinä tekstailin mun kamalasta aamusta ja se halus piristää mua: "Ole valmis 30 minuutin päästä" luki viestissä. Puolen tunnin päästä sain puhelun "En päässytkään itse paikalle, mutta sulle tuli juuri kirje postiluukusta". Menin hakemaan kirjekuoren ja avasin sen ja siellä oli 23,5€ rahaa ja kirje "Tässä on rahaa 23.5€ rahaa, menee torimarkkinoille ja osta meille lounasta. Sen pitää sisältää leipää, kahta eri juustoa, jotain hedelmäistä, jotain lihaista, jotain kalaista ja jonkun yllättyksen. Aikaa on yksi tunti". Menin siis torille (jossa Simon liittyi toki seuraani) ja ostin pikku kojuista kaikkea mitä listassa luki ja pidettiin picnic niistä ostoksista mun sohvalla :))
In Finland Thursday is traditional day of pea soup and pancakes so we spent Thursday like that with Aino! :) I definitely didn't want to start soaking the peas so I was hoping to find ready soup from the store and I did. But here they add sausages in it and don't know what else was in it but it was good! We were suppose to do also oven pancakes Finnish style but we got some problems with that. We were suppose to go cooking to Aino's place but in the store she remembered that se doesn't have an oven pan. We had only few hours before the Dutch class would start but we we tried fast find the pan from a kitchen store (before that we went picking up money so that Aino can charge credits in her phone and ask her neighbour to borrow a pan ((could it sound more like me)), but we didn't find it and came to cook to my place. Then at my place we didn't have flour or enough eggs, but luckily the roommate had and in the closet we found flour package specially for pancakes. So after all we made normal pancakes! :D
In the evening I watched a movie that was mentioned in the Finnish tv-programm, called Kumare. It tells about american guy who pretends to be a guru and wants to see how people react for him. What an interesting movie, how people can imagine all kind of things in their heads - worth of watching!
Today morning I woke up 11:30, terrible. I put the coffee on the stove, started to make a sandwich and i got a wound with the cheese slicer, then all the coffee fell on the floor and in the end I drop stuff of the draining board with my elbow. I was texting with Simon and telling about my bad morning and he wanted to cheer me up: "Be ready in 30 minutes" it said in the message. Half an hour later I got a call "I couldn't make it myself but there is letter for you in your mailbox". I went to take the envilope and inside there was money 23,5 € and a letter "here is 23,5€, go to the market place and buy lunch for us. It has to contain bread, 2 kind of cheese, something fruity, something meaty, something fishy and a surprise. You have one hour". So I went to the market (where Simon of course joined me) I bought all the stuff in the list from the stands in the market and we had a picnic of them on my couch :))
picnic |
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Fish Market |
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